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How to specialize in Eminent Domain

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What is valuation for Eminent Domain purposes?

Eminent Domain appraisals involve establishing fair market value for proposed acquisitions by government and quasi-government agencies, making it a highly specialized practice due to varying property types, project types, and federal/state rules.

Why Eminent Domain appraisals

In recent times, Eminent Domain has gained immense importance due to a surge in infrastructure development initiatives, leading to a higher demand for Eminent Domain proceedings nationwide. Evolving legal standards have added complexity to cases, resulting in involved and extended litigation processes.

Efficiency and streamlining have become crucial for valuation professionals amidst mounting challenges and an increasing volume of cases. This guide offers valuable insights into the world of Eminent Domain appraisals, covering unique challenges, the impact of recent legislation, the role of technology, and advice for professionals seeking opportunities in this field.

:headphones: Immerse yourself in the minds of leading CRE appraisers. Tune into Valcre’s latest episode of Opinions of Value for all the tips and tricks on how to specialize.

Unique challenges

Appraisers involved in Eminent Domain cases encounter several challenges, including conducting multiple appraisals for various scenarios and having limited access to crucial project and property-specific information. The high scrutiny on appraisal reports from all parties involved demands precision and detail to avoid errors that could compromise the credibility of the value conclusions.

Appraising properties with pre-existing conditions presents additional difficulties due to the complexity of obtaining comprehensive data. Information availability can be influenced by ongoing projects, Eminent Domain threats, or negotiations, making data usability uncertain.

Agency assignments require effective communication and addressing property owners’ questions with empathy and technical expertise to ensure a complete understanding of the project’s implications.

Eminent Domain offers diverse challenges, demanding critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and providing continuous learning opportunities. The prolonged timelines and rigor set it apart from other appraisal work.

Pro tips

1. Engage with property owners early on for valuable insights about the property.

2. Maintain meticulous records during inspections for projects with long durations.

3. Embrace flexibility and adaptability in appraisals to handle data overload and dynamic situations.

Impacts of recent legislation

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA), passed over a year ago, has allocated billions of dollars for infrastructure projects, leading to increased anticipation of Eminent Domain activity for land acquisitions.

The law authorizes $1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure spending, with $550 billion going toward new investments and programs. Transportation programs have seen a significant 34% increase compared to previous levels.

The allocation of approximately $500 billion for roads and bridge programs across America has sparked widespread infrastructure initiatives, evident from the clustering of projects in various regions, particularly on the West Coast and eastern seaboard.

Look to see what infrastructure projects have been announced in your area

The map reveals a noticeable clustering of ongoing initiatives, indicating widespread activity across various regions. This indicates a continuous demand for appraisal work in various regions for the foreseeable future

One notable project in California is the multi-billion dollar allocation for the Purple Line, a subway line connecting Westwood to downtown Los Angeles, passing through Beverly Hills. This project gains importance with the upcoming 2028 Olympic Games, positioning Los Angeles as a central location for national-scale developments.

As the 2028 Olympics approach, Southern California is actively preparing to enhance public transportation, ensuring seamless mobility for residents and visitors during the global event.

The focus on improving transportation infrastructure extends beyond the Olympics, with various transit lines being extended to outer regions of Los Angeles County and beyond, aiming to facilitate efficient travel for residents and workers.

While major infrastructure investments present opportunities for property acquisition and fair market value agreements, there may be cases where Eminent Domain becomes necessary.

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Data as of 7/72023 for Announced Funding and 5/31/23 for Awarded Funding

Federal focus and litigation

Appraisers working on federally funded projects must adhere to federal requirements, including the Uniform Relocation Act and Yellow Book guidelines, ensuring consistency and fairness in property appraisals.

Eminent Domain work involves establishing fair market value for property acquisitions, and disagreements between the government and property owners may lead to litigation, potentially extending the acquisition timeline.

Appraisers play a crucial role as problem solvers, providing fair and accurate valuations, especially when disparities in valuation opinions arise.

Expertise in methodologies and jurisdictional requirements is vital for navigating complexities and ensuring accurate appraisals, especially with the possibility of litigation.

Pro tips

1. Strict compliance with federal standards is essential when dealing with federal funds to maintain credibility and provide top-notch service to clients.

2. Being well-prepared and understanding jurisdictional rules is crucial to avoid negative outcomes and court battles.

3. Leveling up skills and knowledge in appraisal matters involving right-of-way acquisitions is paramount for industry professionals. Engaging with professional organizations and staying informed about specific requirements is essential for success.

How to specialize

Specialization and continuous learning are crucial for success in the complex field of Eminent Domain appraisal. Appraisers must have a thorough understanding of specific project types and the rules and regulations of different jurisdictions. They can specialize in areas like railroad, water, or pipeline projects, which offer diverse opportunities for excelling in this field.

Specializing in specific regions or project types enables appraisers to develop in-depth knowledge of local market dynamics and regulations, vital for providing accurate valuations. Being adaptable and adept at understanding unique case challenges is also essential.

Appraisers must be well-versed in the methodologies used for Eminent Domain valuations, which differ from standard appraisals. Compliance with specific federal and state rules, including the definition of fair market value, varies based on jurisdiction.

Effective communication and storytelling skills are paramount, as appraisers often need to defend their valuations and respond to challenges from clients and opposing parties.

Additionally, the world of right-of-way appraisal offers its own set of challenges and growth opportunities. Embracing the longevity of right-of-way projects and approaching them with patience ensures thorough and accurate valuations.

Participation in professional organizations, such as the International Right of Way Association (IRWA) and the Appraisal Institute, as well as attending speaking engagements are valuable ways to expand knowledge and connect with peers and experts in the field.

Learn more about the valuable insights shared at the IRWA conference

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The role of technology in Eminent Domain

Current state

The field of Eminent Domain appraisal is increasingly reliant on technology for enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and visualization of projects. Key technological advancements being utilized include:

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and mapping tools play a pivotal role in creating accurate property boundary lines and overlaying important data, such as demographics and traffic counts, providing valuable insights into the property’s surroundings and potential impact.
  • 3D renderings and drone footage have become indispensable tools for property inspections, offering tangible representations of project impacts and contributing to increased valuation accuracy.
  • Emerging technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) headsets and artificial intelligence (AI) hold promising potential for more immersive experiences and efficient data analysis in the future, further improving the appraisal process.
  • Utilizing specialized software tools and templates, such as Valcre and right-of-way templates, enables precise adjustments and ensures consistency in appraisals.
  • Appraisers now have access to various online resources, like Google Maps and nationwide MLS systems, providing valuable data on zoning, regulations, and other property-related information, enhancing context understanding.
  • Access to street images and property data through online platforms empowers appraisers to gain insights into physical characteristics, even in cases where onsite inspections may not be feasible.

By leveraging these technological tools and resources, Eminent Domain appraisers streamline workflows, gather essential information remotely, and provide more accurate valuations, overcoming project complexities and accessing relevant data.

The integration of 3D mapping and artificial intelligence renderings enhances appraisal accuracy by visualizing project impacts and damages, conveying valuations effectively in litigation settings.

Overall, technology acts as a powerful enabler in Eminent Domain appraisal, emphasizing data collection, processing, precise analytics, and rapid report production. Ongoing advancements will lead to further improvements in efficiency and accuracy, benefiting appraisers and stakeholders involved in Eminent Domain projects.

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Future state

In the future, technology’s pivotal role in Eminent Domain engagements will bring forth significant advancements and opportunities. Here are key points to consider:

  • Emerging tools like Virtual Reality (VR) and AR will have a substantial impact on the appraisal process, providing immersive experiences and enhancing property assessments.
  • Devices like the Apple headset will make virtual property inspections more accessible and efficient.
  • The ability to physically observe completed projects and assess various elements through VR and AR will aid in understanding potential impacts and visualizing the project’s future state.
  • Implementing VR and AR technology may revolutionize property inspections and assessments, leading to better communication with clients and stakeholders, even in trial settings.

Advancements like VR and AR should be closely monitored by appraisers in the Eminent Domain field, as they can streamline the process and lead to more accurate valuations.

AI-assisted algorithms could improve value explanations, enhancing efficiency. However, appraisers will continue to provide the ultimate opinion of value, even with data analysis assistance.

Machine learning may determine the value of certain rights or properties in the future, but credibility remains a significant consideration.

Appraisers should be prepared for continued demand in the field, as Eminent Domain projects often have atypical durations, not heavily influenced by market cycles.

Embracing technology and staying up-to-date will be essential in meeting the challenges and opportunities of the future.

The appraisal profession, and particularly the volume of assignments, has been impacted recently due to factors such as relatively high-interest rates. However, there are right-of-way projects currently in place or planned in the future that require appraisal expertise. With a shrinking profession, opportunities for providing appraisal services are available for those interested. It’s just having the knowledge and expertise to provide those services. Taking advantage of organizations providing education and networking opportunities is something I would definitely recommend.
Eric Schneider, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, R/W-AC
Real Estate Appraiser, Valuation Consultant, and Litigation Support at Jones, Roach, & Caringella, Inc.

Advice for aspiring Eminent Domain appraisers

Becoming a successful Eminent Domain appraiser requires dedication and a proactive approach to professional development. Stay current with changes in laws, regulations, and appraisal techniques through workshops, seminars, and conferences. Seek mentorship from experienced appraisers and understand real estate law and the legal aspects of Eminent Domain. Master various valuation techniques and develop excellent report-writing skills.

Uphold the highest ethical standards, understand local real estate markets, and stay updated with appraisal software and technology. Familiarize yourself with the litigation process and be prepared to provide expert witness testimony. Explore opportunities to work with both government agencies and private property owners.

Embrace complexity, stay educated, and build strong relationships within the industry. Develop strong public speaking skills and maintain objectivity and patience when dealing with clients and stakeholders. Remember that breaking into the field may take time and persistence, but ongoing education and networking will help you establish yourself as a reputable expert in this specialized field.

Hear directly from expert appraisers about their advice for aspiring appraisers

Valcre supports Eminent Domain services

Valcre is a leading technology platform providing comprehensive support for Eminent Domain services. With its robust appraisal management system, integrated data sources, and various valuation techniques, Valcre enhances efficiency and accuracy for appraisers. The platform’s emphasis on data security and compliance make it a trusted choice for federally funded projects. Furthermore, Valcre fosters collaboration among appraisal teams and stakeholders, facilitating seamless communication and efficient workflows throughout the appraisal process. As a reliable and innovative ally in the Eminent Domain field, Valcre empowers professionals to excel in this complex area of real estate valuation.

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By optimizing processes, providing a centralized database, automating report generation, and offering user-friendly integrations, Valcre empowers your organization to save time, increase productivity, and achieve a better work-life balance.

Explore the various packages available and discover how Valcre can transform your real estate appraisal workflow.

Is Eminent Domain appraisal work for you?

If you thrive in a challenging, diverse, and impactful environment, and possess a strong foundation in real estate appraisal and legal knowledge, Eminent Domain appraisal work could be an exciting and fulfilling career path for you. Embrace the opportunities for growth, continuous learning, and making a positive impact as you delve into this specialized realm of real estate

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