Valcre’s CEO Lucas Rotter and VP Client Success Brandon Owen recently took a trip to Lima, Peru, to visit with the Valcre Assist and customer support teams to upskill and build team morale. The focus was on giving the Valcre Assist team a greater understanding of how to better assist Valcre’s users and make life easier and more efficient for commercial real estate appraisers.
Although Valcre is a fully-remote company, Peru happens to be where the highest concentration of Valcre teammates are. Valcre’s Peruvian teammates are living out Valcre’s core value of passion in that they are eager to learn and understand more about commercial appraisers and their processes, and are driven to better support their work and contribute to successful outcomes.
Lucas led a segment during the trip that explored a day-in-the-life of a commercial appraiser, which helped to showcase how Valcre team can leverage technology and machine learning to support Valcre users with more efficiency and success. Appraisers play an important role in the economy but often fly under the radar. The team was impressed by the overall size and magnitude of the appraisal industry and gained a greater appreciation of the demands it requires to become a seasoned appraiser.
Valcre’s VP Brandon Owen brainstormed with the customer support and Valcre Assist teams to define their missions and align each team member’s passions and commitment. The team also had deep dives into US zoning and real property taxes with Research Manager Josiah Wise.
They discussed that with embracing information technology, it must be done so with great care in order to pull helpful property information for appraisers that can be used in their reports. They learned more about how appraisers think, their industry, and how best to support them.
They also had fun making connections over Lima’s diverse gastronomy, with their outings at top-rated restaurants. Throughout the trip, they were reminded of the imperative of teamwork, collaboration, and mutual support. Overall, the trip was a great success in strengthening the Valcre team and how they can continue to serve their clients with excellence.
> Turbo charge your appraisal workflow with Valcre Assist