Today, technology strategy is front and center for commercial real estate appraisal firms as they evaluate how to upgrade their appraisal software in line with the needs of their teams and clients, and ensure they are taking advantage of the latest innovations.
It’s clear that the traditional build versus buy equation simply doesn’t apply anymore. It’s rare that appraisal teams are starting completely from scratch and for those with legacy, proprietary software platforms, there may be components that are worth maintaining and complementing with a third-party software.
Download this practical guide to walk you through the key considerations in making this decision and land on the best option for your appraisal team.
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Read the White paper to explore

What actually constitutes a modern appraisal platform – and how they power the modern appraiser

Considerations needed when deciding whether to build internally or to partner with a vendor and complement your existing systems

How to upgrade your set-up effectively, without minimal downtime for your team