Ready to specialize in Eminent Domain?
Expand into valuations for right-of-way acquisitions and Eminent Domain and grow revenue with Valcre’s premier end-to-end CRE appraisal software.
Take advantage of Eminent Domain opportunities in your area
Recent infrastructure growth, fueled by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, allocated billions, including $500 billion for roads and bridges.
Despite fluctuations in other appraisal types, Eminent Domain services are consistently sought after, contributing to higher demand.
Valcre equips you with the necessary tools to specialize and meet this demand effectively.
Special promo
Request a demo today and receive 14 months for the price of 12 with your annual Valcre subscription.
*This offer expires on 12/31/2023. This offer includes two free months following the first year of an annual subscription. Additional fees may apply.
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